This is so romantic, I could just squee: Steampunk Love.
Yes, it's pretty ring time in cloudy SoCal, a good week to clean house, work dogs [remember to check for foxtails!], shear sheep [the sheep-eating pasture was mowed on Saturday!], catch up on reading [a new Premier catalog!] and mess around with the 'puter.
Performed blogosurgery last week after discovering that my navigation bars, up there below the header, were throwing the site totally out of alignment on a few browsers. [You with Mozilla 1.7.8/Debian 3.1 — according to Browsershots, the fix seems to have worked.] I'm now using a modified navigation-bar hack from bizwhiz.
In the left sidebar I've added a link list of [mostly] design sites. They all have interesting things going on: ossum design, of course, and links...! Once I spot something interesting [and I'm interested in practically everything] I keep following link after link until I wind up somewhere like gapingmaws.com, where I spend far more time than I probably should; and vacation is no excuse, really. Don't even get me started on the rabbit hole that is Ffffound.
Here, via a back button-defeating path I couldn't retrace if my life depended on it, is Banksy's "Bow Peep" checking out a pay phone in the Bronx:


Last, but not least: the section formerly known as Hacks/Trucos has been renamed Toolbox/Trucos, with a hat tip to sysadmin 'Claus' and his PC Toolbox over at Grand Stream Dreams. Claus knows all the latest and best [and free] downloads to keep your computer fast, efficient and secure.
[rolls up sleeves] I have just begun to clean!
["Dust is a protective coating for fine furniture." Quote for the day, from Mario Buatta.]
I've gotten so I don't even bother complaining about people's navbar issues. (I'm using Ubuntu, at the moment, don't have the same issue on my Kubuntu system at work) but it appears to be WORKING! YAY!
YAY! I mean, oh no -- please do complain if something is busted! I love any excuse to mess with the site. D'you mind my asking which browser? [runs off to check Browsershots]
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