June 24, 2007

Howling mad over AB 1634

The Legislature is barking up the wrong tree by suggesting that California dogs and cats be spayed and neutered, hundreds of impassioned pet owners told State Sen. Joe Simitian in Palo Alto on Saturday.

Some 300 distraught pet owners packed Palo Alto City Hall, where they gave the Democrat from Palo Alto an earful for more than five hours. They were howling mad about the legislation and wanted Simitian -- who, perhaps wisely, has not said whether he supports the bill -- to know it.

"This is a medical decision that should be made between a veterinarian and a client, not a political decision," said veterinarian Miles Rogers of Campbell.

Amen. Read the entire SF Gate article here.

I'm a Democrat --- a liberal, politically active Democrat --- and a latina, yay me, and I'm delighted that a growing number of Dems are voting against AB 1634. "It will save Californians $250 million a year"? Please. The A. C. budget in Santa Cruz has gone up. It will "reduce the death rate of adoptable dogs and cats"? Be real: neutering Borzois and West Highland White Terriers won't reduce the number of homeless cats and unwanted pit bulls that make up the majority of animals in our shelters.

And no, the big issue isn't really about "muzzl[ing] the highly refined world of dog breeding." Every knowledgeable dog person I know is opposed to AB 1634. My traditional vet, my holistic vet, the local ACOs: they all oppose it, and not one of them breeds dogs or cats. They oppose the bill because it won't help homeless cats and unwanted dogs, and because mandating a major, potentially life-threatening surgical procedure on companion animals is a horrific government intrusion into the lives of law-abiding citizens. Don't compare AB 1634 to motorcycle-helmet and seat-belt laws: no one faces greater risk of osteosarcoma or prostate cancer from wearing a seat belt. My aunt lost her favorite dog, her heart dog, due to complications during spay surgery. Putting on a motorcycle helmet doesn't begin to involve the same risks.

From the Border Collie Boards:

"The following State Senators have Constituents Surveys on their web sites regarding AB1634. Select "AB 1634 2008 California Healthy Pets Act" from the menu. Be sure to click the Oppose button. The link to the survey page is listed just below the name. Each Senator's district is listed below the links. [Note: to find your state senator, CLICK HERE.] If you're a constituent in one of these districts, please fill out your survey ASAP and call to express your opposition. If you're not a constituent, CALL all these Senators and express your opposition now.

"I called Senator Patricia Wiggins' office this afternoon to inquire about her position on AB1634. The staff said the Senator has no position yet, and asked if I was calling to support or oppose the legislation. She then asked what city I was calling from, my name and my position re AB1634. It didn't seem to matter that I was not a constituent. So, everybody - start calling all these Senators."

State Senator Sam Aanestad (Rep) Tel: 916-651-4004 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD04

State Senator Dave Cogdill (Rep) Tel: 916-651-4014 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD14

State Senator Dave Cox (Rep) Tel: 916-651-400 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD01

State Senator Jeff Denham (Rep) Tel: 916-651-4012 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD12

State Senator Christine Kehoe (Dem) Tel: 916-651-4039 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD39

State Senator Abel Maldonado (Rep) Tel: 916-651-4015 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD15

State Senator Bob Margett (Rep) Tel: 916-651-4029 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD29

State Senator Gloria Negrete McLeod (Dem) Tel: 916-651-4032 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD32

State Senator Jenny Oropeza (Dem) Tel: 916-651-4028 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD28

State Senator Don Perata (Dem) Tel: 916-651-4009 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD09

State Senator Patricia Wiggins (Dem) Tel: 916-651-4002 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD02

State Senator Mark Wyland (Rep) Tel: 916-651-4038 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD38

State Senator Leland Yee, Ph.D. (Dem) Tel: 916-651-4008 http://legplcms01.lc.ca.gov/PublicLCMS/ContactPopup.aspx?district=SD08

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