November 8, 2008

When can I move in?

And where should I put the sheep? Float cabin photo from materialicious.

I love materialicious. Check out a few of the homes and links Justin has featured lately:

This cabin was built on an exposed postglacial archipelago in Canada’s Georgian Bay. Interior view:

Monte-Silo, from gigaplex Architects.

I love this house. Lots more photos at the gigaplex Architects link.

Justin Anthony's materialicious has two sibling-blogs: the totally addictive workalicious and the ever-so-tantalizing stair p**n. Mmm, stairs:

All three blogs feature architecture from around the world and great links, including this humble favorite: The Tiny House Blog. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Powell River Books said...

Thanks for highlighting my float cabin on your blog. It started on the Tiny House Blog and was then picked up the where it got great coverage. If you are interested, there are two feature articles about the float cabin now on The Tiny House Blog. You can also read more at my blog Oh, if you could go for goats rather than sheep, they could probably live on the cliff and hang out with their wild buddies the Mountain Goats. -- Margy