May 30, 2009

"Waffles grabbed a bee"

"Oh man! No more terrorist fist-bumps for Waffles..."

Truly, a priceless photograph and title [and comment]. From Wary Meyers, via the most excellent Hello Bauldoff.

Dunno about cats, but dogs can, and do, die from bee stings. A friend of mine has a corgi that's allergic to bee stings and goes into anaphylactic shock when stung — or would go into shock, if my friend didn't always keep an EpiPen® handy. If your cat or dog has reactions to bee stings, ask your vet about EpiPen®.

More info on bee stings and anaphylaxis:
Drs. Foster & Smith
Short-legged breeds - bee magnets?


jayjenjo said...

Angus, my 7 year old bulldog, has had an anaphylactic reaction twice. Both incidents occurred in the desert. We are 99.9% certain that incident number one was a scorpion. Incident number one is still a mystery.

Thankfully, he has a rock solid constitution and a wide open airway. The first time he went down, I stuffed 50 mgs of prednisone down him and flew to emergency, the steroids kicked in and we were discharged about two hours later. The second time, I had an EpiPen and was able to cut of the reaction early on.

Knock on wood no further incidents for 5 years. We know it's not honeybees, yellow jackets or bumblebees as he has been nailed by each of these more than once since then with nothing more than swelling, but no signs of anaphylactic collapse.

Possibly he will someday learn You Don't Mess With Da "Fuzzies".

Anonymous said...

I really have to watch young Audie around bees, wasps and other striped arthropods. One stung him on his boy parts last summer and now he's out to get even. Goonie boy will snap his vespidian enemies right out of the air - even though he gets stung every time.

He is otherwise an exceptionally bright dog...

Anonymous said...

Gosh, Pepper's never been stung and she's always trying to chase the bees out of the community garden, just like any other critter she doesn't think should be there. I think she's swallowed a couple, but mostly, they seem to fly way above her head until she can't follow them anymore, then head off for flowers in the opposite direction.
