Satire [snerk!] but spot-on. Read the rest here. [Original link doesn't always work, but you can give it a try.][Sacramento, CA] A marble monument to service dogs, originally set to be displayed in Sacramento, California, may be on its way out of the golden state. The reason? The statue's "manhood" is still intact.
Proponents of the recently-tabled state assembly bill AB-1634, the so-called "California Healthy Pets Act", which would require that most of the state's dogs and cats over the age of 6 months be sterilized, claim that placing the image of an intact male dog on public property is harmful and sends the wrong message to California pet owners.
July 30, 2007
Tribute Statue Must Appear "Neutered"
July 28, 2007
Counting my sheep before they're judged, and other news
From the American Cheviot Sheep Society:
Cheviots have several distinct advantages as a breed, not the least of which is its very attractive appearance. This has made the breed popular with wealthy patrons desiring a few sheep to create a pastoral scene on a country estate.
Open breeding sheep divisions will be judged tomorrow [July 28] at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa, beginning at 10:00 AM. Yes, that Orange County. Shut up. Orange County has farms with sheep, ranches with cattle and wild, roadless areas with mountain lions that kill people. [Also: shopping.]
Three of the Cheviot spring ewe lambs at the Fair will be mine in about twelve hours. They've actually been mine for months, but their most excellent breeder wanted to show them a few times before I took possession. I'll try to get some snapshots. (Ulterior motive: to take pictures of sheep varieties bred only for show, because some of them look so different from sheep of the "same" breed raised for meat and/or wool. Show Dorsets and production Dorsets, for example, have become so different in appearance that for all intents and purposes they are now separate breeds. Does this sound familiar?)
The ASPCA has pit bulls everywhere on its website.
Adopt a pit bull and let your perfect pooch be an ambassador for the breed! Be sure to read our pit bull adoption tips before you start your search.God bless 'em, the ASPCA even has pit bull wallpapers for your 'puter. Yes, I'm an ASPCA booster.
The BAD RAP blog is hoppin'. They have a link to the wonderful Lawdogs video that features Trooper Steve Gardner, pictured above, and two photos-worth-a-thousand-words of pit bull Nike, a rescued ex-fighter that went on to live a happy, peaceful life in a multi-dog home. Check it all out here.
Worst news for last. Tragic news: a child killed, mauled to death by two dogs. This local report in the Cookeville, Tennessee Herald-Citizen has the most details --- nine other news outlets carried a brief AP story. The victim was an eleven month old child. He was left alone in his playpen while the adults in the family visited and watched the older children playing in a pool outside. There were two dogs in the home: family dogs, inside dogs.
The breed doesn't matter.
"[D]ogs are expert discriminators," writes Jean Donaldson, "and adequate socialization to women or six year old kids does not guarantee a generalization to men or two year old kids."
When a baby in L.A. was killed by a Rottweiler a few years back, reporters were quick to write that the dog "was socialized" and "loved children." Every news article mentioned that a twelve year old neighbor used to take the Rottie for walks. But the dog had never been around infants.
Socialization is huge. You can't overdo it. There is no such thing as an oversocialized dog. But even the best dogs shouldn't be left alone with little children. It's axiomatic: never, ever leave a small child unattended with any dog. This was a preventable tragedy. Never, ever leave a small child unattended with any dog.
July 27, 2007
Barbie collies, bandana collies and the Unexpected Pit Bull
Dogs in clothes --- you love 'em or you hate 'em. Beedogs, for example: ginormous cuteness quotient, or sign of the Apocalypse? There's no middle ground. Don't even get me started on those miserable fashion accessories puppies carted around by the likes of Paris and Britney. (Don't buy from pet shops, you eejits!)
I hate dogs in clothes. Working border collies look best naked. [A plain collar is OK.] It's safer, for one thing. A real stockdog in a bandana? Totally cringe-worthy. It isn't just incompatible, it's inappropriate --- as awful as Roseanne singing the national anthem. It makes you want to switch the channel as fast as you can. Yeesh.
The "bandana collie" is actually a much-disparaged cultural marker in the world of working stockdogs. The bandana collie should not be mistaken for the Barbie collie, though the two categories frequently overlap. Barbie collies are fluffy, conformation-bred, AKC-registered "border collies" that don't work stock because they can't. Bandana collies, on the other hand, are a subset of pet. They often have clever names like Prufrock or Bernoulli and they live in Santa Monica with their clever owners and never see sheep and always wear that damn bandana.
Bandana collies go to dog parks.
It took me probably five ounces of smoked salmon to get Buffy to love her tiara, poodle skirt and pillbox hat and several jars of baby food to get her wagging when I cracked out the “Doggles,” but aside from the fabulousness of it all, I felt fancy indeed when my veterinarian remarked that she had never seen a chow so readily accept having her head restrained.
July 23, 2007
Just read it.
Maybe there's hope. Maybe there's a chance the tide of ignorance and prejudice will begin to turn.
Maybe a thoughtful reporter here, or an honest politician there, will realize that only the most ginormously cretinous haters can lump some 4 million pit bulls and pit bull mixes together --- some full-grown at thirty pounds, others over eighty; some of them titled purebreds, others mixed with who knows what; some chained out and forgotten, many well-trained and well-loved; some eager to fight another dog, others terrified at the prospect; some badly-bred and human-aggressive, many random-bred and glorious with people --- and label all 4 million of them "loaded guns," "time bombs" and "hand grenades."
Turning the tide will be an uphill struggle. [Straight Dope motto: "Fighting ignorance since 1973. (It's taking longer than we thought.)"] The most fervent haters want to grow their hate, not give it up. Kory Nelson, the bureaucrat behind Denver's pit bull ban: "Pit bulls are the 'nuclear weapon' of dog breeds compared with the 'hand grenade' of other breeds." (Last Thursday "KoryNDenver" joined a news discussion thread on the Vick indictment in order to post just one message, an anti-pit diatribe filled with misleading generalizations.)
Are some pit bulls bad news? Sure, and so are some border collies. So are some labs. But other breeds generally don't have to be chained out, neglected, untrained and badly-bred to raise the odds of a bite. Most non-pits have only to be unsocialized. Or unworked: a well-bred border collie without a real job can be as edgy as a drug addict, and twice as reactive.
Given the problem of hellacious overbreeding and the abuse and neglect many pit bulls suffer, it shouldn’t be surprising that some of them bite. The amazing thing, to me, is that so many won't bite even in the face of heartbreaking mistreatment. I don't know of another dog that can survive the worst and keep its great, rock-stable temperament intact the way an authentic pit bull can. This is the reason Michael Vick's dogs deserve to be evaluated by breed experts. It's the reason these dogs deserve a chance at a decent life.
Pit bulls aren't "nuclear weapons." They're not "machines." Good pit bulls -- and there are countless good ones -- are great-hearted, sweet-tempered, wonderful dogs. I have one snoring on my foot as I type, and I know how inherently stable and trustworthy around shrieking teenagers and visiting toddlers she is compared to my border collies or my old German shepherds. Want a terrific family companion? Want to invest time in a dog more than two degrees north of stuffed? Don't get a border collie --- adopt a pit bull. But first, read that great post on the BAD RAP blog.
New: Los Angeles Pit Bull Training Academy & Adoption Center
The Pit Bull Training Academy will be located in the old South Los Angeles Annex Shelter on West 36th St., and organizers plan to move as many of L.A.'s impounded pit bulls as possible to the new location for socialization, training and adoption.
Directing the program will be Tia Maria Torres, named one of the city's most interesting people by L.A. Weekly in May. Torres is no upstart when it comes to pit bull rescue and training programs: in addition to running the Villalobos Rescue Center, she's been offering "pit bulls only" training classes at L.A. shelters for years. Under her guidance both the dogs and their future caretakers will be groomed for their new roles as model canine citizens and informed, responsible owners. (The Pit Bull Training Academy even has a MySpace page. Dude...!)
Pit bulls make up nearly half of all dogs impounded in Los Angeles, and last year 41% of all dogs euthanized in L.A. were pit bulls, according to LAAS general manager Ed Boks. Torres has pointed out that impounded pit bulls are often kenneled alone due to dog-aggressive behavior, and bringing them to the South Los Angeles Annex Shelter will make more space available for other dogs in the shelter population.
The Pit Bull Training Academy & Adoption Center is located at 3320 W. 36th St., Los Angeles, CA 90018. The Grand Opening will run from 10:00AM to 5:00PM on August 4th, with "trainers on hand for advice, food, fun, music, and celebrity dogs (pit bulls, of course)." Phone and email contact information can be found on the flyer. Be there -- or be square.
July 21, 2007
Dueling vet hospitals
In Sunday's NY Times Allen Salkin covers the rivalry between the old, established Animal Medical Center and the up-and-coming NYC Veterinary Specialists. You'll find the article in the Fashion & Style section, not Science or Business or Technology or even Health. Go figure.
Nowhere is the competition for deep-pocketed pet owners more apparent than at the city’s leading specialty hospitals. NYC Veterinary Specialists touts its $1.25 million dollar linear accelerator for radiation therapy and shows off a $750,000 M.R.I. and $350,000 CT scan machine. Across town, the Animal Medical Center says it is planning to install its own linear accelerator and upgrade its M.R.I. It trumpets its hemodialysis clinic for pets with kidney disease and a new $300,000 rehabilitation clinic with an underwater treadmill.
The two hospitals are not shy about dropping the names of celebrity clients to enhance their appeal. A few nights before Christmas last year, Steve Martin's blond Labrador, Wally, gobbled down some chocolate and his regular veterinarian advised him to rush the dog to NYC Veterinary Specialists, said David Gersholowitz, the hospital administrator. The attending vet induced vomiting and by the next morning Wally was home safe. The bill: $935.
Check out the fine selection of photos by Librado Romero which accompany the article. [I've reprinted one above.]
Not all dog owners have deep pockets, of course, but many of us would be happy to take wash in if it meant getting the best vet care for our dogs.
Once in a while an email from the rural Midwest reminds me that veterinary specialists are a two- or three-day drive away from many of the country's dog owners. I'm fortunate to live in SoCal, with veterinary specialists in surgery, dentistry, ophthalmology, dermatology and oncology just an hour's drive away and a good emergency clinic ten minutes from the farm. Friends and relatives up north have taken dogs to the specialists at UC Davis. One memorable night a decade ago I called a Pet Ambulance service, on the advice of a veterinarian friend, to transport a dog from a local vet hospital to a specialty hospital in Orange County. [My dog lived, but it was a squeaker.] Pray God I never have to do that again, but I'm glad to know the service is available.
And after paying for various pound rescues to have surgery for torn ACLs, elbow dysplasia and a ruptured extensor tendon, far be it from me to laugh at Steve Martin's $935 chocolate emergency ;~)
Shameless tie-in of the year
dog fighters across California are battling AB 1634
And what's up with the "tough new tools" business --- isn't dogfighting already a felony in California? I'm pretty sure state and federal laws against animal fighting are much tougher tools than a "fix it" ticket, but that's just me. And did I mention that all the ACOs I know oppose this bill? I did, didn't I --- once or twice ;~)
ETA: Christie Keith's commentary is priceless --- check it out.
July 20, 2007
Straight dope on pit bull rescue
But pit bulls are the victims, now, so everything has changed --- for the moment, at least. A front page report by sports columnist Gwen Knapp in Thursday's Chronicle covered the wave of sympathy for fighting dogs, the tsunami of revulsion towards dogfighters, and an organization that is making hay from the publicity.
Knapp writes that donations have swamped the Humane Society of the United States, a powerful lobbying group that runs no shelters or rescues and is not affiliated with your local humane society, yet appears, Zelig-like, in most major news stories about rescued animals.
The HSUS -- with net assets over 200 million dollars -- doesn't need your money. But they'll be happy to take it, and use it to lobby in favor of bills like AB 1634.
HSUS president and CEO Wayne Pacelle states that his frequently-cited "one generation and out" comment was taken out of context and never meant to refer to all domestic animals --- only to heritage livestock breeds. Yet in an interview for the book Bloodties: Nature, Culture, and the Hunt Pacelle told author Ted Kerasote, "I don’t want to see another dog or cat born."
The HSUS believes all pit bulls that have been fought are unsuitable for adoption. Experts who actually know pit bulls, and work with ex-fighters all the time, say this is nonsense. So: in this corner we have smart folks who know the breed better than anyone on earth, and in the "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out afterwards" corner, a group run by a man who has never kept a dog and thinks no one else should keep dogs, either.
The HSUS will have to manage without my donations.
Want more people to hear the truth about pit bulls from those who know the breed best? Want to cut through the ignorance, hysteria and urban legends? Want to help pit bulls (including ex-fighters) with great temperaments find wonderful homes --- and cool jobs?
Don't send money to the HSUS. Donate to an organization that actually saves dogs. BAD RAP and other groups save dogs from shelters, rescue them from the streets, foster them and train them and place them in great homes. The HSUS does none of this, and thinks no pit bull used for fighting should get a chance at a better life.
Knapp's Chronicle story failed to mention BAD RAP, the top pit bull advocacy group in the country. [Check out BAD RAP's annual conference, scheduled for September 22 - 23 this year.] And if you don't live in the Bay Area, here is a list of pit-friendly rescues across the nation. They could all use your donations and support. HugABull covers part of the Great White North --- you might contact them for information on pit bull rescues elsewhere in Canada.
These groups don't have $200 million in assets. They need your generous donations.
What a shame it would be if the Michael Vick/dogfighting coverage did nothing but help raise funds for the next AB 1634 campaign or an updated Guide to Vegetarian Eating. Want to help pit bulls? Donate to a pit-friendly rescue or a rescue/advocacy group like HugABull or BAD RAP. Donate to Pit Bull Rescue Central. And as always, please consider adopting a wonderful pit bull of your own. [Jon Stewart has two.]
July 17, 2007
The truth about dogfighting
And in contrast to the suffering and dying caused by people who should know better, here are some of the happy endings all dogs deserve. If only Michael Vick's dogs had been so lucky.
Vick indicted on charges of dogfighting
RICHMOND, Va. - NFL star Michael Vick was indicted by a federal grand jury Tuesday on charges of sponsoring a dogfighting operation so grisly the losers either died in the pit or sometimes were electrocuted, drowned, hanged or shot.
The Atlanta Falcons quarterback and three others were charged with competitive dogfighting, procuring and training pit bulls for fighting and conducting the enterprise across state lines.
If convicted, Vick and the others — Purnell A. Peace, Quanis L. Phillips and Tony Taylor — could face up to six years in prison, $350,000 in fines and restitution.
July 15, 2007
AVMA: Dog Bite Prevention
What the report does say:
Which dogs bite?
An often-asked question is what breed or breeds of dogs are most “dangerous”? This inquiry can be prompted by a serious attack by a specific dog, or it may be the result of media-driven portrayals of a specific breed as “dangerous.” Although this is a common concern, singling out 1 or 2 breeds for control can result in a false sense of accomplishment. Doing so ignores the true scope of the problem and will not result in a responsible approach to protecting a community’s citizens.
Dog bite statistics are not really statistics, and they do not give an accurate picture of dogs that bite.
[A] dog’s tendency to bite depends on at least 5 interacting factors: heredity, early experience, later socialization and training, health (medical and behavioral), and victim behavior.
Note that the Task Force report does not recommend breed specific legislation, nor does it recommend mandatory spay/neuter.
I hope everyone will give it a read, but particularly reporters, editors, and municipal groups concerned with public safety and responsible dog care.
July 13, 2007
Jack Knox clinic
Cool news from Anna Guthrie, my sheepdog trainer down in San Diego County:
The Stockdog Ranch will be hosting a Jack Knox clinic December 12, 13, and 14th in Valley Center, CA (this is northern San Diego County). All levels of dogs and handlers are welcome. Participants can enroll for all three days, two days, or just one day. There is space for RVs (no hookups) on the grounds; motels are about 20 minutes away. Please email me for available slots and pricing.
This mention is more publicity than Jack's clinics usually get, and they fill up so fast that I better call Anna back and be sure there's a spot saved for me ;~) If you're in the area, come and spectate: Jack isn't in California often, and he's the kind of teacher that really makes you think and keep thinking. Should be a great three days.
Bryant: "Mark my words, Ontario will be safer"
The legislation prevents people from acquiring a number of breeds of dogs classified as pit bulls, and requires those who already own the dogs to neuter and muzzle their animals.
Banning the breed might give people a false sense of security, worried Sheila McDonald, director of the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies. "There are other breeds that have been involved in dog incidents [...] [One] huge thing that is extremely lacking in Canada is a database of dog bite incidents. And that has been recommended at several inquests into fatal dog attacks and has never been followed up on." July 2, 2007
A 17-month-old girl is dead after being mauled by her grandparents' dog near Ottawa on Canada Day.
Police say the Korie-Lyn Edwards was visiting her grandparents in Montague Township when their 10-year-old Rottweiler-German shepherd mix attacked her."Basically the girl had just wandered where the dog was tied up. The dog had no history of biting, socialized with adults and children, so this is obviously just a tragic circumstance," said Const. Paige Whiting of the Ontario Provincial Police on Monday.
Edwards suffered severe head injuries. The girl's parents rushed her to the local hospital and she was later airlifted to the children's hospital in Ottawa, where she died.
The dog has been turned over to Lanark County animal control officials and is expected to be euthanized at the family's request.
"It's just a wake up call for most dog owners that even pets, we have to be vigilant especially around small children, they can be very unpredictable," Whiting said.
An autopsy will be performed in the next few days. Police don't expect to lay charges.
Michael Bryant bears a measure of responsibility for this child's death. When someone in a position of authority insists that there are "safe" breeds and "dangerous" breeds, and encourages people to believe that their responsibility for preventing dog bites begins and ends with the selection of a "safe" breed, he is lying to the public, and he is putting children, in particular, at risk of serious injury.
For more about Bryant, pit bulls, generalizations and stereotypes, see Malcolm Gladwell's article Troublemakers: what pit bulls can teach us about profiling. Link in the sidebar --- it's a classic.
Swift foxes
Swift foxes are rare: there were no verified sightings in Texas between 1986 and 1996. You can read a bit more about the species here.
July 12, 2007
Got a comment?
I've added a link to the Save Our Dogs site in the sidebar. They oppose the currently-malingering AB 1634, and I believe they've made a real effort to present factual info without distortions and hysteria.
My advice: if you're new to the breed, get your first pit bull from a good, established rescue like BAD RAP or from a shelter where the animal control officers are pit-friendly and pit-experienced. Ask if the ACOs have pit bulls of their own [many do] and how they evaluate temperaments.
At one municipal shelter near me the "temperament test" [don't mention Sue Sternberg to these folks] involves giving a dog free run of the office for a few days. That means dealing with resident cats, a resident alpha dog, phones ringing constantly, chew toys on the floor, treats on the counter and a constant stream of people. It's the best, most reliable temperament test I know.
I have a strong bias in favor of shelter pit bulls, myself. Dogs in rescue are safe. Shelter pit bulls are dead dogs walking. 41% of all dogs killed in L.A. are pits. 20,000 of them are killed each year in Bay Area shelters. Care about shelter dogs? Adopt a pit bull.
July 11, 2007
Plus c'est la même chose
Terrierman explains the rules:
Players are asked to post a blog entry that:
- Explains the rules of the game
- Contains eight random facts about themselves
- Lists eight other bloggers who are tagged to write similar posts
- Finally, players should notify (by email or blogpost comment) each person that they have chosen to play the game, referring them to your post for further details.
Eight Random Facts about Me:
*I spent much of my childhood in a California mountain cabin that had no electricity and no indoor plumbing.
*I know how to pronounce Shongopovi. That's the name of a Hopi village on Second Mesa where a friend and I spent an afternooon on a rooftop watching the Niman ceremony. One of the most amazing experiences of my life.
*I don't have a high school diploma.
*My first border collie and I got full points for an international shed. It was a huge double lift, Rob Lewis was the judge and oh, who am I kidding [weeps]. It was huge, Rob was the judge, and we did get full points but only because the sheep miraculously shed themselves and Rob was too kind to make us do the shed over. This random fact shouldn't really count since I've been stopping total strangers for years and telling them, "My dog and I got full points for an international shed."
*My Oregon cousin is President of the Tillamook County Dairy Women. My Iowa cousins raise Herefords. I'm the only one in the family with sheep.
*Kirk Gibson's game-winning home run in the 1988 World Series opener landed four rows in front of us in the right field bleachers at Dodger Stadium. You can see me in the highlights video hugging total strangers and screaming myself hoarse. It totally, totally rocked.
*I was an extra in a movie with Benicio del Toro, who is very tall and sweet and cleans up nice. People who get to be extras because their wonderful friends/relatives are working on a movie are called "politicals."
*My great[x5] grandfather's brother Lot Woodbury was killed by Indians in the French and Indian War. He is buried in Royalston Corner Cemetery in Vermont. I could, if I wished, join the DAR. [My grandmother was a member, but she quit.]
OK, I know that's nine, but I got an extra one on account of the international shed thing.
Christie Keith says it's against her religion to tag other bloggers, but I'm new and still somewhat agnostic so I'll
And if they aren't interested in writing about themselves, or if they've been down this road already, maybe they can share some random facts about Chet Baker and Fern.
AB 1634 "dead for this year"
Mercury News:
State Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, D-Van Nuys, withdrew the measure this morning, before a key Senate committee vote that he was certain to lose.
Levine says he will press ahead with the bill in 2008, but perhaps in a vastly scaled back form. Responding to critics who said the bill was too broad and would punish responsible pet owners, Levine suggested amending the bill so it would apply only to people cited for other pet-related offenses, such as letting their dogs run loose or illegally housing too many pets.
"While I'm disappointed," Levine said after the hearing before the Senate Local Government Committee, "I'm optimistic in the medium term we're going to be able to solve the problem." He said that lawmakers at least are acknowledging that too many pets are being euthanized in California - several hundred thousand each year - even if they disagree with his solution.
At the same time Levine expressed frustration with opponents, whom he said have shown little willingness to bend. "Every time we put an exemption in the bill, they tell me it's not good enough," he said.
Sacramento Bee:
"I think we can get to a solution," Levine said. "But the first thing opponents must do is to acknowledge that there's a problem and work with me to solve it."
SF Gate:
"We have six months to educate the committee," said the bill's author Assemblyman Lloyd Levine, D-Van Nuys (Los Angeles County) after he decided not to bring the bill to a vote. "I want to reach out again to the opponents."
Yeesh. Levine's ignorance, his arrogance and his dishonesty just defy belief. Get back to me, Lloyd, when you care enough about shelter animals to adopt a couple pit bulls. [Pits and pit mixes made up a heartbreaking 41% of all dogs euthed in L.A. during fiscal year 06/07. And as I've said a few million times, I have two pit bulls, both adopted from the local pound. Did I mention that every animal control officer I know opposed this bill?]
There have been heaps of suggestions in editorials and elsewhere outlining better approaches than mandatory spay/neuter. USA Today's article pointed out that the most successful spay/neuter programs in the country are voluntary [but we knew that].
Research in Utah showed that about 85% of pet owners were already sterilizing their animals. "A big overpopulation problem was traceable to just 15% of animals," says Gregory Castle, who heads the No More Homeless Pets Utah program launched in 2000 by Best Friends Animal Society.
At the city or county level, California needs to do the basic research necessary in order to identify owners responsible for the shelter problem --- and target them, rather than opt for the Judie Mancuso, "if you have an intact dog, you're part of the problem" carpet-bomb approach. It's beyond insane, and beyond offensive, to insist that a stockdog trainer/handler like Suzy Applegate is no different from the cretin breeding his dysplastic, human-aggressive pit bull on every heat or the idiot dumping a litter of pups in an orange grove. That's PETA ideology no matter what you do to disguise the smell. No-Birth Nation? No thanks. I don't want to live in a world without border collies and bully breeds and hunting hounds.
As always, more news and great analysis from Gina and Christie at the Pet Connection blog. And a big thanks to all who helped kick this bill to the curb.
AB 1634: Middle of the night blogging flurry
Fave quote:
"Once people get a chance to see my supporters and the opponents side by side, it's clear which side has logic and reason and fact on their side," [Levine] said.
[Member of the Senate Local Government Committee, Sen. Christine Kehoe, D-San Diego] said AB 1634 would impose an entirely new program on San Diego County, which she represents, because local government there does not currently license cats.
"The bill does appear to be in trouble," Kehoe said. "I'm going to listen to testimony. I never promise my vote ahead of time. But I do think that there's a lot of concern about whether the bill should continue to move."
The San Jose
[A] simple, small tax on cat or dog food - as an alternative to Levine's law - would help raise enough money to build more low- or no-cost spay and neutering clinics and accomplish Levine's goal of sharply reducing the number dogs and cats put to death throughout the state.
Only then would the Legislature be barking up the right tree.
If the target for 2008 is to reduce shelter deaths to 200,000 and we reduce shelter deaths to 160,000 that year, the tax goes down an extra bit in 2009. Rebates at the end of the year if you adopted a shelter animal, if your dog earned a CGC, TT or show title, or if you had a dog or cat of your own neutered during the year.
The taxes collected would be used to fund educational programs, public service announcements, shelter improvements, etc. And when the final, state-wide target of no-kill/no homeless pets is reached, the tax ends.
From a PetPAC press release, Lassie to Save California from the Perilous Adventures of AB 1634:
If the bill passes, there will be no 10th generation Lassie. Never registered with the AKC, Lassie does not fall within AB 1634’s convoluted labyrinth of rules that would allow for a government-issued “intact permit.”
Lassie’s entourage includes owner and trainer, Bob Weatherwax, and Jon Provost, who from 1957-64 audiences grew to love as “Timmy” and who now serves on the Board of Governors for Canine Companions for Independence.
Finally, a tip of the hat to reporter Mike Zapler of the Mercury News for bringing us up to date about AB 1634's lobbying group and the increasingly shrill Judie Mancuso:
The proponents have hired Nielsen Merksamer, one of the state's top lobbying and political law firms, to press their case with legislators. This week they held a news conference with Bob Barker, the longtime host of "The Price is Right" and spay-and-neuter advocate. Their leader, Judie Mancuso of Laguna Beach, labels some of her foes "Petpac monsters" (a reference to the political action committee opponents created) and "liars" who are "all about making a buck."
Opponents, many of them pet breeders, are playing their own political hardball. One leader, a longtime lobbyist and dog breeder named Bill Hemby, accuses adversaries of engaging in "character assassination" and suggests that spay-neuter leaders are serving as proxies for animal rights extremists.
"We're convinced their ultimate goal is the elimination of all animals," he said in an interview, before clarifying that, on the whole, he believes proponents are well meaning.
July 10, 2007
That'd be a great name for a blog...
Views from both sides [PetPAC, Bob Barker] here.
We know that universal spay/neuter laws get results because they are working in other states across the country. In 2006, Rhode Island passed a spay/neuter law that has been hailed as a success in reducing the number of animals entering the state’s shelters. Also, Massachusetts has seen a drastic reduction in the number of homeless animals due to aggressive spay/neuter programs. In California, universal spay/neuter laws have been implemented in nine areas from Stanislaus to San Bernardino. Santa Cruz County cut its animal shelter population in half after it passed a universal spay/neuter law.
As USA Today points out, the nation's most successful spay/neuter programs are all voluntary.
Hey, kids! Check out the AB1634 Dysplasia Primer!
Spot is sad.
Spot can’t run or play.
Spot has elbow dysplasia.
Can you say “dysplasia”?
Spot is very sick.
Spot’s elbow bones hurt.
Can you feel the bones in your elbow?
Spot has elbow bones, too.
The bones in Spot’s elbow are falling apart. They are grinding together.
That really hurts!
Spot visits the doctor. The doctor says, “Spot needs an operation.”
Spot cries and cries.
Spot’s human mommy cries and cries.
How did Spot get dysplasia?
Spot got dysplasia from his parents.
When a mother dog has dysplasia, she should not have puppies.
When a father dog has dysplasia, he should not have puppies.
But Spot’s parents didn’t know until it was too late.
Poor Spot!
Poor Spot’s human mommy!
How can the doctor tell if a father dog has dysplasia?
How can the doctor tell if a mother dog has dysplasia?
The doctor takes x-rays.
He takes x-rays of the mother dog’s elbows.
He takes x-rays of the father dog’s elbows.
The doctor sends the x-rays to the OFA.
The OFA knows all about dysplasia.
People at the OFA look at the x-rays.
They look at many x-rays.
They say, “This dog has normal elbows! And this dog has normal elbows, too. But this dog has dysplasia. His elbows don’t look good. We hope he never has puppies!”
Spot has an operation.
His elbows still hurt.
Spot takes medicine. He feels a little better.
Spot’s human mommy says, “I love Spot! I hate dysplasia!”
Some people don’t have dogs.
They don’t know about dysplasia.
They wrote a bill. A bill is an idea for a law.
Some bills are good ideas.
Some bills are bad ideas.
Their bill is called the “Healthy Pets” Act.
The “Healthy Pets” Act is a very bad idea.
The “Healthy Pets” Act will not make dogs healthy.
The “Healthy Pets” Act says, “A father dog with dysplasia can have puppies!”
The “Healthy Pets” Act says, “A mother dog with dysplasia can have puppies!”
The “Healthy Pets” Act says, “A mother dog must be bred before she is two years old!”
The “Healthy Pets” Act says, “A father dog must be bred before he is two years old!”
The OFA says, “Like the hip certification, the OFA will not certify a normal elbow until the dog is 2 years of age.”
The “Healthy Pets” Act will not make pets healthy.
The “Healthy Pets” Act makes Spot cry.
[This educational service has been provided free of charge for reporters, bureaucrats, newspaper columnists and AB 1634 supporters everywhere.]
*“Spot” is my ten year old pit bull. He was adopted from the local pound after being dumped near a freeway offramp when he was about four months old. He developed mild dysplasia in one elbow, and had surgery for severe dysplasia in the other elbow. He has been treated with acupuncture, herbs, Adequan injections and prescription painkillers.
I'm amazed --- OK, not that amazed, but plenty angry --- that the “just one litter for all” provision of AB 1634 mandates that dogs be bred before they are old enough for OFA hip or elbow certification.
The beauty of badly-written bills
The exemption:
The dog is used for herding or guarding livestock, and the dog’s owner resides on or is the owner of property designated for agricultural use.
Bill points out that
[t]he law doesn't say the dog has to reside on the land that is owned by his owner. For that matter it doesn't even say that the land has to be in California.One quick call to the Iowa cousins should do it. I'll spread the word.
July 6, 2007
El corrido del AB 1634
A corrido is a little bit like a twelve bar blues in that you can add syllables somewhat irrespective of meter and yes, that means I can squeeze in as many syllables as I like. ¡Es mi corrido!
But the best thing about a corrido is that you don’t need a good singing voice to sing one. In fact, it adds a certain cachet if you sing like a hinge.
In the immortal words of Chalino Sánchez, “No canto, ladro.” [I don’t sing, I bark.]
El corrido del AB 1634
[sung to the melody of some corrido or another ]
Voy a cantar un corrido
De un político sencillo,
Su ambición ha causado
Un enojo explosivo.
Como un Anti-Noé,
Él quería esterilizar
A cada animal doméstico,
“Por su propio bienestar.”
Pero, para sorpresa suya
Los animales se movilizaron
Y en masa los perros y gatos
Hasta Sacramento marcharon.
Y le dijeron en voz unida,
“Tu proyecto no es solución
No vas a ayudar a nadie
Sino causar nuestra perdición.
“Si quieres defender a los gatos
Y a los perros callejeros
Mejor adoptar a unos “pit bulls”
Antes que castrar a todos los perros.
“Mejor ofrecerte de voluntario
En la perrera – y en vez de legislar,
Seguir el ejemplo de Maddie’s Fund
Para lograr el No-Matar.
“No necesitamos leyes malas
Que sólo producen división.
Trabajar juntos, unidos
Es encontrar la solución.”
Senadores, ya me despido,
Ya se acaba mi canción.
Ojalá que ustedes me escuchen,
Que mi canto es oración.
¡No al AB 1634!
[I’m going to sing a corrido about a simple politician whose ambition caused outrage. Like an Anti-Noah, he wanted to sterilize all domestic animals “for their own good.” But to his surprise, the animals mobilized and marched on Sacramento. And they said in one voice, “Your bill isn’t a solution --- it won’t help anyone and will only cause our downfall. If you want to defend cats and homeless dogs, it would be better if you adopted some pit bulls before neutering everything. It would be better if you volunteered at a shelter – and instead of making laws, you should follow the example of Maddie’s Fund to reach your goal of No-Kill. We don’t need bad laws that only cause division. Working together, united, is the way to find a solution. Senators, I’ll say farewell now, my song is finished. I hope you’re listening to me, because this song is an entreaty.]
I'm keeping the day job.
This just in!
Yeah, the CVMA thing. Huge news of the day. Gina over at Pet Connection was first, and with a great post, too, dammit, dammit, dammit. I have to get one of those new fangled cell thingys so I can blog from anywhere.
I was in Senator Negrete McLeod's office when I got the news. I'd just finished talking to the senator's rep when a pleasant man walked in sporting a "No on AB 1634" button.
Real dog people have opinions on OFA and PennHIP, vaccines vs. rattlesnake-proofing and AKC vs. working breeds.
Dog people know that you don't make a working dog work, you make him stop [and I wish I knew who to credit for that quote --- they say short-term memory is the first to go]. Dog people know that a responsible breeder will take back any dog she's bred, at any time, for any reason, and real dog people know that responsible breeders have been writing this promise into puppy contracts for decades.
I'm one of those who cleans up your messes. Every dog I've rescued and found a home for is one you flicked aside like an empty Arrowhead bottle [...] I'm tired of cleaning up after you. California is tired too; its cities and counties have no room or money to keep all the homeless kittens and puppies, all the old dogs and cats you allow to overbreed or leave out on the street like an old refrigerator. And so they have to kill them.
You write: "The objections to Levine's bill run from the selfish to the ridiculous."
Not if you've read the bill, Patt. Not if you've read the bill.
July 5, 2007
At the risk of my head exploding [TM Christie Keith] I can't help but puzzle over the requirements of the new AB 1634 revision.
[I]f within one year after the purchaser has taken physical possession of the dog after the sale by a breeder, a veterinarian licensed in this state states in writing that the dog has a congenital or hereditary condition that adversely affects the health of the dog, or that requires, or is likely in the future to require, hospitalization or nonelective surgical procedures, the dog shall be considered unfit for sale, and the breeder shall provide the purchaser with any of the following remedies that the purchaser elects:
(1) Return the dog to the breeder for a refund of the purchase price, plus sales tax, and reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees for diagnosis and treating the dog in an amount not to exceed the original purchase price of the dog, including sales tax.
(2) Exchange the dog for a dog of the purchaser's choice of equivalent value, providing a replacement dog is available, and receive reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees for diagnosis and treating the dog in an amount not to exceed the original purchase price of the dog, plus sales tax on the original purchase price of the dog.
(3) Retain the dog, and receive reimbursement for reasonable veterinary fees for diagnosis and treating the dog in an amount not to exceed 150 percent of the original purchase price of the dog, plus sales tax.
On the other hand: AB 1634 requires JQP to breed his dog before she's old enough to get an official hip [or elbow] score from the OFA.
"Do NOT sell a pup that's going to develop hip dysplasia. Oh, and be sure to breed your dogs before they're old enough to get an OFA rating --- it's the law!"
[* pop *]
July 4, 2007
Hail, Hail Freedonia! Hard at work on those revisions
The June 27 revision of AB 1634 introduced the "just one litter for the Average Joe" concept and required that all puppies from such litters be given away.
The latest [July 3] revision will allow puppies from every "just one litter" to be given away or sold. However,
[a]ny adoption or sale of the offspring of the unaltered dog shall comply with all of the requirements and duties of a breeder, as set forth in Article 1 (commencing with Section 122045) of Chapter 5.
They are referring to California Health and Safety Code Section 122045 - 122110, the Polanco-Lockyer Pet Breeder Warranty Act, which currently applies to those who have "sold, transferred, or given away all or part of three or more litters or 20 or more dogs during the preceding 12 months that were bred and reared on the premises."
No wonder my local ACOs think this bill is insane.