December 13, 2014

Jasper the lurcher

Dropped in for a much-needed blog renovation, and to post what is possibly the best photo in the history of the universe :~) That would be Jasper, above (click to embiggen), at cruising speed after running off some early morning energy up at the cabin. Thank you, iPhone video and the most excellent Video 2 Photo app!

How about those rainstorms? Fire danger much allayed this year, thank heavens. (In related news, the blog's new background photo is a shot of Big Bear Lake from the Arctic Circle. OUR Arctic Circle.)

The tabs up top need fixing, and vacation is just around the corner, so that worked out nicely. And more rain is expected this week...! Dogs are well, birds are plentiful, plants are happy, and frogs and coyotes are singing in the arroyo every night. Life, she is good.


  1. I hope this means you're back! We've missed you.

  2. Thanks, Brent! I hope to post more often. More often than every two years, at least :-/

    Your KC Dog Blog is such an essential read. Thanks for all you do for dogs!

  3. Hot dang--HE GREW UP! What a gorgeous dog, and definitely a frame-worthy photo. Can't believe that's the same dog looking at the 'before' pictures. Glad to see you back as well!


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